Using data and analytics to map the lived experiences of social inequity.

Root Causes of Social Inequity

Food is just the beginning. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are the underlying socioeconomic factors that cause people to reach out for food assistance. We use food as a connector, to identify and provide solutions for addressing the FIVE major determinants of health.

Boy with pencil fights hunger in relation to access to education

Health Care Access

Hungry woman opening box with food security

Economic Stability

Hungry woman in hospital

Education Access

Keys in door of affordable house

Built Environment

Stack of coins represent economic stability that affects hunger

Social & Community Context

Survey Data

Analyzing our Full Cart population self-reported survey data, we are able to gain better insight into the need.

Case studies

Article Title

October 28, 2020

Article Title

October 28, 2020

Article Title

October 28, 2020

Hunger Application Trends

Families in need of food assistance apply through our Full Cart Virtual Food Bank. We have seen the following trends with the number of those who need help over the last 12 months.

U.S. Hunger Database

We are committed to listening, documenting, and preserving the real-life stories of those affected by food insecurity. These collected voices provide the insight required to address root causes and drive lasting change.

Our data platform, Impact Manager, offers a unique point of view that enables you to better engage in holistic health outcomes. By partnering with U.S. Hunger, you receive actionable intelligence and transparency to better understand the communities you serve in real-time.